Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Bata Bata Bukini-Wed July 13

They saw Pr Konga & Edina yesterday & have a planned chai on their way back through. They made good time & arrived in Kidugala around 8:30pm last nighT. April gathered some 2-3 year old girls this AM for "bubbles" only to have a bubble land on 1 arm & there was a shriek of tears while 1 of Rehema's girls pointed at all the bubbles & ran! Once they realized they would not hurt them, the bubble blowing continued. Cheryl, Patty, April & Pastor Nuru got into a lively game with children today of Bata Bata Bukini (duck-duck-goose).  Phillipo has a scheduled time every morning with the group for Swahili lessons & I understand he is a stringent teacher-he actually DRILLS them! (they finally think they have something & then Pastor Nuru tells them a different way to say it-they said they are already so overwhelmed in words that they don't know what they are talking about! They spent some time with Patty's penpal, Alissia. She successfully graduated this year with Phillipo. They are still going on about the autoclave & as it sits in the middle of the room awaiting to be taken down the hill & across the river to the clinic they have nicknamed it "Debi" (thanks guys!) Everyone is healthy, feels good & has full schedules from here on out. It was a full day today & as I spoke to them on the phone, they had just finished their hairwashing & were settling down for the night. They say to tell everyone HELLO!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Arrival!

God's blessings on your mission. We miss you all.
