Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Education: Pigs, English Classes, Orphan Education

The pig seminar on Mon was attended by 35 people & many topics were discussed. While in Njombe today the team went to a veternarian store & the TZ Farmers Assoc (like a co-op) & obtained important items for the pigs being raised in Kidugala. Speaking of pig production-the team was having supper at a secondary teacher's home (he is also the director of the pig project that is run by the secondary students) during their visit the home & the roof started to shake & rumble. When they asked what it was, the teacher said "oh, it is the rats on the roof"-then they heard them run across the roof again making the house rumble (they look like a very oversized cross of a hamster & a rabbit). Patty reports that the Orphan Education Program is getting up & running well & the HEAD members in Kidugala along with representatives at the preaching points/schools are working on a budget along with a possible scholarship program for the upper levels. Rick attended the evangelist English class last night & it lasted until 11:30pm-this class is held year-round 2 nights/week for 3 hours! April attended classes at the secondary school (Swahili poetry & English Class in which they discussed the different meaning of some English words). Yarn & needles were purchased for the sewing center which will make uniform sweaters for the preschool & primary school orphans. Also 2 new soccer balls were purchased for 2 of the primary schools. They are still working on passing out photos & obtaining new photos of the Prayer Partners. All is well/they are all healthy & miss everyone.

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